set title "Daily Luminous Exposure" set y2tics set link y2 set key outside below set xdata time; set timefmt "%Y%m%d" set xlabel "Time (UTC)" offset 0.0, -2.8; set format x "%F" set grid set ylabel "H_v (Mlxs)" set y2label "H_v (Mlxs)" set term png size 1900, 512 font ",10" set xtics auto rotate by 30 offset -6.8, -3.2 set mxtics set mytics set xrange [:] noextend set grid mxtics set xtics out set ytics out set format y "%.0f" set format y2 "%.0f" dat_f='/home/ghz/light_wx/data/lux_hours.dat' set style fill solid border rgb "#c0c000" set output '/home/ghz/light_wx/plots/lux_hours.png' # data is in lxh, multiply by 3600 to get lxs, and divide by a mil to get Mlxs plot dat_f using 1:(($4 *3.6/1000)) t 'Luminous Exposure (Mlxs)' with boxes lc rgb "#f0f000"