set title "Light levels over the Last \\~48 Hours" set xtics 7200 rotate by 30 offset -5.7, -2.2 set ytics set mytics set y2tics set link y2 set key outside below set xlabel "Time (UTC)" offset 0.0, -1.6 set xdata time; set format x "%F\n%TZ" set timefmt "%Y%m%d%H%M%S" set grid xtics set grid y2tics set term pngcairo size 1900, 512 font ",10" set format y "%.0f" set format y2 "%.0f" dat_f='/home/ghz/light_wx/data/light_levels.2-3_day' set ylabel "Illuminance (lx)" set y2label "Illuminance (lx)" set output '/home/ghz/light_wx/plots/light_lux.png' plot dat_f using 1:3 title 'Illuminance' with lines lw 2 linecolor rgb "#dddd00" set ylabel "Illuminance (counts)" set y2label "Illuminance (counts)" set format y "%.1f" set format y2 "%.1f" set output '/home/ghz/light_wx/plots/light_uva.png' plot dat_f using 1:5 title 'UVA Illuminance' with lines lw 2 linecolor rgb "#0000ff" set format y "%.0f" set format y2 "%.0f" set output '/home/ghz/light_wx/plots/light_bb.png' plot dat_f using 1:7 title 'Broad Band Illuminance' with lines lw 2 linecolor rgb "#00aa00" set output '/home/ghz/light_wx/plots/light_ir.png' plot dat_f using 1:9 title 'IR Illuminance' with lines lw 2 linecolor rgb "#ff0000" set format y "%.1f" set format y2 "%.1f" set ylabel "Temp (°C)" set y2label "Temp (°C)" set title "Pi Temp over the Last \\~48 Hours" set output '/home/ghz/light_wx/plots/light_temp.png' plot dat_f using 1:13 title 'Pi Temp' with lines lw 2 linecolor rgb "#bb00ff" set title "Light levels over the Last \\~48 Hours" set autoscale y set autoscale y2 set ylabel "UVA Illuminance (counts)" set y2label "BB/IR Illuminance (counts)" set ytics nomirror set my2tics set format y "%.1f" set format y2 "%.0f" set output '/home/ghz/light_wx/plots/light_smooth.png' plot dat_f using 1:5 axes x1y1 title 'UVA' with lines linecolor rgb "#0000ff", \ dat_f using 1:7 axes x1y2 title 'BB' with lines linecolor rgb "#00ff00", \ dat_f using 1:9 axes x1y2 title 'IR' with lines linecolor rgb "#ff0000"